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Maintenance /Treatment


An exotic belt have two layers, lining on the inside from calf or cow.  Outside is the exotic skin like Crocodile, Ostrich etc. A good quality belt is often stiffer from the beginning before extensive use, due to the thickness of the lining.  The belt should hang as a tie, in the bag enclosed (18-20 cm), or in a shelf meant for belts. You shall always roll your belt from the tip.  My belts are delivered in blue velvet bags.

Glossy belts - they have been like this because of friction and a agat stone - using a Glazing Jack machine.  I do have a spray that can give back much of the glossiness.  Glossy belts are in general meant for dress use and therefore have little tear and wear.

Matte belts are easier to handle.  Use a normal Kiwi box, black, brown or neutral - it has no Silicon. Use your thumb and push lightly onto your belt several places.  Then use a soft brush (Horse hair) to make friction.  This will give you nourishment and patina to your belt.  Do this twice a year.  If you have a silver buckle - polish it also twice a year to avoid oxidized look.

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