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Korte fakta om dyreartene Korte fakta om dyreartene

Short facts about the animal species


(Alligator mississippiensis)
There are only two species of alligator – the one mentioned above and the Chinese.
Olive, brown, gray or almost black color with a cream-colored underside. Distribution in most of the American southern states but especially Florida and Louisiana – with more than 1.5 million wild and about 500,000 farmed alligators.
Approximately 33,000 wild and 280,000 farmed animals are harvested annually in Louisiana.
Differences from crocodile:
The shape of the snout is rounder, shorter, and more robust, with corner teeth not protruding, has an umbilical cord, prefers only freshwater, has no pores on the belly (porosus), is not as aggressive as a crocodile, does not have "salt glands" – glands for exchanging saltwater. Average age is 50 years, length 3-5 meters, average weight 360 kg – up to 450 kg. Speed in water up to 43 km/h.
Head balls on the nape of the neck are 2-2-2.


(Crocodylus porosus)
Largest living reptile – over 6 meters and over 1,000 kg. Males are almost twice as large as females. The pores on the belly are believed to be small sensory organs that detect movements beneath it. They thrive equally well in saltwater and freshwater. Many species. They live in the tropics of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia. More than 200 million years have changed little about the crocodile. The Nile crocodile does not have pores. The scales on a crocodile's belly are more uniformly sized than those of an alligator - this is even more evident on the flank. Strongest bite of all animals with more than 2 tons of jaw pressure. Oldest crocodile approximately 130 years. Maximum land speed is 17 km/h.
The head bumps on the nape of the neck are 4-2.

Caiman crocodile

(Caiman Yacare)
Distribution especially in parts of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Resembles an alligator (in the same family) with a round snout but is smaller - usually 2-3 meters long. Eats, among other things, piranhas and birds. Caiman has distinct bony plates on the belly and tail section. The flanks have round rings like the two mentioned above, but the rings are closer together than on an alligator. Head bumps on the nape skin are 4-4-2.


(Struthio camelus)
Flightless bird from Africa. Many species. Highest land speed 74 km/h. Has the largest eggs in the world weighing about 1.4 kg each. Breeding. The ostrich is used for food, the skin for leather, and the feathers for dusting. It weighs up to 130 kg. Height up to 2.8 meters with a wingspan of two meters. Lifespan max 75 years. Thrives best in desert or semi-desert. Kicks only forward.


(Black & White Tegu (Teju) Lizard) – (Tupinambis Rufescens) Red Tegu -Argentina or Java Lizard (Varanus salvatore)- Malaysia.
The biggest difference is precisely the size. The tegu is small, 1 – 1.4 meters, while the monitor lizard is large, up to 2 meters. Tegus are the most intelligent of the lizards. Lifespan is 15-20 years. Distribution is in rainforest areas of eastern and central parts of South America. They hibernate in late autumn. Monitor lizards have many names and types in Africa and South Asia as well as Australia. They are carnivorous. The Komodo Dragon is the most fearsome and can attack humans.

Spotted eagle ray

(Aetobatus narinari) or Row Stone Stingray
Lives at depths of up to 80 meters. Found globally in tropical waters. Has white spots or rings on its body. Eats crabs, shrimp, and shellfish. Wingspan of up to 3 meters and a weight of 230 kg. Has 2-6 venomous spines (stingers). It can be as large as 35 cm. If a spine breaks, a new one will grow back. At the British Museum, there are displayed spear and arrow tips made from the spine used in Micronesia. Large sharks, especially hammerhead sharks, are its worst enemy. Not aggressive towards humans.

Yellow Anaconda

(Eunectes Notaeus – good swimmer latin) is smaller than the green one, about 3.3 – 4.4 meters long. Boa constrictor. Lives in the southern parts of South America such as Brazil, Bolivia, and Argentina. Lives in swamps. Hunts from ambush. Feeds on birds, eggs, lizards, some fish, etc. In the wild, it lives about 20 years, somewhat longer in captivity. Weighs about 25 – 35 kg. The scales are from the underside of the snake.  


(Pythonidae) Python. Non-venomous. Robust and muscular. Body length from 0.45 m - 9 meters. The belly scales are small. Oviparous. Heat-demanding. Found in Africa south of the Sahara, in Asia (India, Sri Lanka, etc.), Australia, and now also released into the wild in Florida, U.S.A. 

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